Monday, November 13, 2006

Normalcy Head-On

Look at me! I look normal!

Just kidding.

They say the camera adds ten pounds. I think it's really just the profile that adds ten pounds. Or in my case, eight (so far). With my belly still at 35" I have added groaning to my repertoire. I groan when I sit, when I stand, and when I'm tired which is pretty much all the time.

I went to Michigan for the long weekend and I'm not sure if it's something in the water or Mom's home-cooking (ahem) but I felt like I doubled in size between Thursday and Sunday. I have done what people refer to as "popping" and no I'm not making a reference to early 80's dance moves. Although I have always thought it would be cool to learn to break and pop, I don't think now is the time for me to take up breakdancing.


At 10:35 AM, Blogger Renate said...

Antigoni, you look great! My whole family passes on their congratulations. Everyone in my family who you met at the wedding loved you - they all had really nice things to say about you and Dave. Give us a call soon if you want to get together - dinner this week, maybe?


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